Yes, I just called your man trash. I know, you can tell me how that's not right and I shouldn't have said that later on but I have to address the subject of "Potential". Every single person on Earth has potential. Lets see how Merriam's Dictionary defines Potential;
po·ten·tial (p -t n sh l). adj. 1. Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent: a potential problem. 2. Having possibility, capability, or power.
There you have it. Being with someone who hasn't realized ALL of their potential is one thing, being with someone who hasn't realized ANY of their potential yields exactly what the definition says, a potential problem. I don't know about you, but I surely don't need any problems especially ones that haven't come into being yet. I like to avoid problems altogether if possible. So, I can't be in a relationship with anyone who won't work regularly, doesn't contribute to anything and barely takes care of themselves. That's not what makes them trash though. What makes them trash is when they are all of the above AND an Ike Turner understudy, a convicted Felon and addicted to marijuana. I'm sure you know someone who has dealt with a man like that or maybe that's your man. I don't know but those are problems that I'm sure you don't want to deal with now or in the future.
I'm not saying that these people don't have redeeming qualities and that they will never be anything but if they aren't taking active steps towards something then you don't want to spend a lot of time with these folks, they have stuff to figure out. Any man who wants a great woman is going to have something to bring to the table, regardless of their past. Real men don't make excuses. They do what they have to do. They think about you and not themselves.
Now every man has the potential to be something great. However, life shapes and molds a lot of young men into people that can't comprehend manhood. They didn't have any role models. In that case, women can not teach them how to be men. They have to figure it out for themselves. Some never try to figure it out. They just continue to be triflin'. Then try to make you feel like you had something to do with it. Leave these people alone! Just don't put up with it. You simply say, "Look, I like you and everything but you just aren't on the road to where I'm going so, it's been real."
Either the man will go back to hang out with the rest of the garbage or he'll be intrigued and want to know where your going on this road. Either way you have to keep moving forward. Keep learning about yourself. Its the best way to happiness.
Take a look at YOUR potential. What do YOU have to offer? When you figure that out, bring it into being. Then you'll be ready for that man that doesn't want to drag you into the garbage with him. He will want you to explore new places and things and hold you in the highest regard. That's what we are all really after. Well, you have to hold yourself in high regard first so a man can recognize what he has to do to get and keep you. More than just 'potentially' be a good man.
That being said, even garbage can sometimes be recycled and given new life or made useful again. I challenge my ladies out there who question their relationship or see trouble ahead to take a step back and allow your man to choose; New Life or Landfill with all the other garbage? Either way, its a decision THEY have to make on their own. If they make the right one, hopefully you will be happier, if not, get the trash off your shoe and keep walking!