Saturday, April 27, 2013

So, You want the ring?

Ok, so its been a few days and guess what?? I'M STILL MAD! Lol!

I've had some time to think about when and where Mimi got so far gone and I know Dr. Jeff spoke to her about her past relationships with men and its clear that she really hasn't found herself and her own identity.  It seems that she believes Stevie will complete her and her family some kind of way and that would be fine if Stevie J appeared as if he wanted to part of a family. 

This is where women get caught up.  You can't change a man no matter what you do. No matter how much pussy you throw, no matter how much you look through their phones, no matter how much their mother might like you and think you're the one, if that man doesn't want to change.....your out of luck.  My advice, cut your losses and move on. 

When I say move on, I don't mean stop talking to him for a while or act mad but still answer the phone and argue. I mean Move on!!  If its been a number of years and you are no closer to marriage or family, if that's your goal, then when you began, then ask yourself; what's the likelihood that he'll be marriage ready anytime soon?

You don't want to force a man's hand in marriage.  THEY WILL MARRY YOU, with no intentions of changing any behavior that may have caused problems in the past.  You might be saying, "Well why would he marry me then?"  I'll tell you why,


For some men its the quickest way to get back to business as usual.  In some cases men just buy the ring and keep you on hold for some undetermined amount of time because they feel that the ring is what you wanted when really you wanted what the ring symbolizes. 

I see Mimi as a woman just like the rest of us. We want a man to call our own, we want a husband not a boy contemplating manhood.  I don't even think Stevie is in the contemplation stage.  He's so lost right now that only a professional could help him however if Stevie was offered help right now, I'm sure he would decline. Why?  Because he doesn't see his lifestyle and choices as being a problem.  For Mimi that spells a lifetime of misery and I'm begging Mimi and all women not to purposely sign up for that.

Focus on self and growth.  When your heart, mind and spirit are unified, you attract the same. I believe that's what Mimi wants but isn't sure how to get there.  Plus, Stevie J is so ingrained her mind that it would take a lot of inner work to get that stench off. 

Tina Turner got Ike out of her system, Mimi can get Stevie J out too!

So again Mimi and all my ladies out there, "What's love got to do with it?"  If a man is treating you like yesterdays news then make him tomorrow's headline, EXTRA EXTRA, WE'RE THROUGH!!!

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