*Sigh.... Here we go
Erica, Erica, Erica.......WHY???
I was highly disappointed in her behavior on last night's episode. She was actually making progress with Scrappy and she just threw it all away. I'm starting to wonder if she's purposely sabotaging her relationship. I don't know why she would do that, but I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of it. :)
This relates to an earlier post called, 'So you want the ring' and its a perfect example of why men are so reluctant to give their woman a ring in the first place. With her actions she just made it that much harder for the next woman to get where she's trying to go which is to the alter.
I'm watching this episode and I'm really feeling Scrappy trying to man-up and do what he wants to do. Good for him. That's what we want all men to do. Then I see her go ballistic and I'm stunned because I'm like, wait, he just stood up for you like you've been complaining about and you can't even take the win and shut the hell up! Now you wanna FLEX?!?
And what happened? GIMME MY RING BACK!! lmao
Everybody I just CAN'T
A ring does not give you any special powers or privileges. It's simply a man stating, 'I intend to marry you and make you my wife.' It does NOT give you license to act like a jackass. In doing that Erica just gave Mama Dee MORE ammo against her. She NEVER liked Erica and she fell right into her trap. I don't know how Scrap is feeling right now but I don't know how Erica can come back. In my opinion she needs to talk with Scrap one on one and apologize. Then she needs to talk with Mama Dee ONE TIME one on one and let her feelings be known and carry on with her life. Mama Dee is crazy. I've always laughed when people try to reason with the mentally ill. It's like trying to argue with a drunk person, pointless. Erica even said herself that she's been dealing with Mama Dee for a long time. So, did she think her ring gave Mama Dee back her sensibilities?? I don't know but I'm here to tell you that a ring is merely a piece of jewelry. It doesn't perform miracles.
Moving on. Then she jumps up and starts acting like a real hood rat. I don't condone domestic violence in any way shape or form but had scrappy slapped the ____ out of her, I couldn't say anything. I'm glad ALL he did was push her. I would hope she learned to keep her hands to herself. Women kill me jumpin in a ____ face and then callin the police. Now you need help because he done knocked your weave crooked. Girl, stop playin'.
I believe Scrappy was on to something when he said to Erica that it would please her for him to disrespect his mother. I think he was right. That's not cool. A woman should NEVER want her man to disrespect his own mother. If he does then he won't hesitate to disrespect you and YOURS.
All this time she's been saying Scrappy doesn't stand up for her but that's what he's been doing and she's too caught up in her ring and wedding to notice. Now she's given Mama Dee a big gap to squeeze Shay through. Sorry Erica you just gave up this round. This should have been a battle you won to help you win the War. This loss may have cost you the War. All the years you put up with stuff would be for nothing. Sad.
We cry about wanting a man but then refuse to let the one we have BE ONE. Check yourself ladies. Men don't need a second mother.
I'm not gonna spend much time on Mama Dee but a lot of people are blaming her for the incident and I disagree. Like I said, I knew Mama Dee was crazy from jump anytime your a grown*ss woman and you talkin about some 'Prince of South' and the kingdom isn't running well.....OMG she needs meds. So, she just needs to get a life of her own and let Scrappy live his and I believe he's trying to get there his own way and these simple females he got in his life are just plain screwing it up.
I guess that's it for now....I don't have the strength to get on Joseline and her comment about Benzino. I'm still laughing.
Take away - Try letting your man be a man, you might be pleasantly surprised
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